Water Quality, Fisheries, and Fish Habitat Monitoring

We provide a range of aquatic monitoring and evaluation services, includiing:

  • water quality monitoring,

  • fish data collection and population assessment

  • fish habitat inventories of streams and estuaries.

Kier Associates used the National Marine Fisheries Service protocols to conduct presence/absence surveys of 97 streams in Del Norte, Siskiyou, Humboldt and Mendocino Counties in northwestern California.

Kier Associates. 1999. Historical And Current Presence And Absence Of Coho Salmon, Oncorhynchus kisutch, In The Northern California Portion Of The Southern Oregon-Northern California Evolutionary Significant Unit. Prepared For The U.S. Department of Commerce, NOAA Fisheries, #40-ABNF-7-01479. 48 p.


Kier Associates collected fisheries, fish habitat and water quality data in Cordonices Creek, a small tributary of San Francisco Bay for the Urban Creeks Council in 2002 and 2003.  The map above shows pool depths, which are indicative of the ability of the creek to successfully rear older age juvenile steelhead.

Kier Associates, 2004 Codornices Creek Watershed Restoration Action Plan

Kier Associates, 2007 Final Monitoring Report for the Codornices Creek Watershed Restoration Action Plan, Phase 2


Kier Associates have experience sampling estuarine fish and using standard U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service habitat typing protocols.

We have current steelhead, coho salmon and tidewater goby collector’s permits and the ability to deploy a sampling team anywhere in California.

Higgins, P. T. 1995. Fisheries elements of a Garcia estuary enhancement feasibility study. Final report. Performed under contract with Moffett and Nichol Engineers. Mendocino Resources Conservation District. Ukiah, CA. 29 pp